Poinciana Bus Transportation
Poinciana Offers some of the best and most frequently used bus routes in Osceola and Polk County
Lynx Bus ridership in Poinciana ranks above average for all the bus routes in the Lynx System and near the top for all Lynx Bus routes in Osceola County
Lynx Bus service routes serving Poinciana include the following
306 Service from Walmart Lynx Bus Depot to Disney with a stop at Poinciana Sunrail Station
26 Service between Walmart Lynx Bus Depot and Kissimmee
426 Service circulating around Poinciana providing connection to Walmart Bus Depot
601 Call ahead bus service connecting Poinciana to Walmart Bus Depot
Because bus schedules change constantly the best way to learn and plan bus trips in Poinciana is to link directly to the Lynx web site by clicking below
Polk County Citrus Connection has taken over all the bus routes on the Polk County side of Poinciana. The Citrus Connection bus routes of interest to Poinciana are the following:
16X Service from Walmart Bus transportation hub to Haines City
20X Service from Haines city bus hub to Posner Park
19X Service from Posner Park to Poinciana SunRail Station
603 Pick up service between Polk Poinciana Villages and Walmart Bus Transportation hub
Because Bus service schedules change constantly for more information please click below to link to the Citrus Connection web site