
jpeg 2024

PRFSC  Making Poinciana A Better Place to Live

Poinciana sign

Judge us not by what we say but what we do. Measure us by our accomplichments

Recent data ( )  shows that Poinciana commuters spend more time stuck in traffic than commuters elsewhere in Central Florida, Florida or elsewhere in the United States. 54% of Poinciana commuters spend more than two hours every day stuck in traffic trying to earn a living to support their families. Osceola County traffic data ( ) shows that the biggest source of traffic congestion for Poinciana is Cypress Parkway. That problem was identified in a 2013 study conducted by Florida Department of Transportation recommending the  Southport Connector project be built to help the Poinciana commute situation.

Congressman Darren Soto's office has confirmed that the Federal Civil Rights Complaint that has been delaying this project has been dismissed.

With the complaint dismissed CFX will now be able to present the current status of the study to the public so that the community can see what will actually be proposed and have a discussion about the merit of the project.

Osceola County Traffic Engineering recently responsponded to requests from Poinciana residents asking what Osceola County is doing to address the Poinciana traffic congestion. 

Florida Department of Transportation announces plans to move up expansion of I4 into Polk County from 25 to 10 years

I4 Improvements

Polk County Acquires 640 Acres for new preserve on East Shore of Lake Marion and makes it open to the public

Village 7 Preserve entrance
US News and World Report Best High Schools

New Dimensions High School earned high National and metro-area rankings in 2023-2024 Best High Schools, which U.S. News released this morning. Here is your school’s updated U.S. News profile page, with details about its rankings:

Marketing Flyer front

New Dimensions High School is now accepting enrollment applications for the new school year. Check out the new video at to learn more about the school.

New Dimensions has been ranked as one of the best High Schools in America and the best High School in Poinciana. The US News and World Report evaluation my be read at

High School age kids interested in enrolling in a a small school providing the best education in Poinciana should apply now. Adult volunteers who want to work with the kids are also very much welcome.

If you are interested in enrolling or know someone who might be interested please check out the school web site located at


Polk County is starting to evaluate expansion of SUNRAIL into Polk County

Sunrail in Polk County

We want to thank all the volunteers who helped to make our April 20,2024 Earth Day Osceola Cleanup sonsored by Osceola County Commissioner a great syccess.. We had about 45 kids and adults enjoy a Chic Fellet Breakfast with drinks paid for by Osceola County. 

Osceola cleanup team picture
IOsceola cleanup kids at work

PRFSC wants to thank all the kids and adult volunteers from the community that help make these cleanups happen

On April 19,2024 The kids from New Dimensions High School presented their 2024 version of Living Wax Museum in Solivita. Once again the event was a great success.

2023 LIving Wax Museum


This web site last updated June 28,2024